28 February 2013

Reduced Romans

The Reduced Romans
(Passage divisions and draft summaries)

1v1-7 Paul is all about Jesus his Lord and the gospel and so is the church in Rome
1v8-15 Paul’s desire is to come and have a harvest among the church in Rome (discipleship and evangelistically)
1v16-17 Paul’s confidence for that is in the gospel

1v18-20 God’s wrath is revealed against people who deliberately turn away from him
1v21-32 as they replace God he hands people over to sin that destroys until everyone claps sin that destroys.
2v1-5 Therefore we cannot stand in judgement over them
2v6-16 God’s perfect coming judgement is coming in Christ on all the Gentiles who will perish without the law.
2v17-29 and on all the Jews because to live by the law you must keep the whole law.
3v1-8 Certainly the Jews have an advantage, and God is righteous in judgement
3v9-20 But all are under sin (see the OT)

3v21-25 But now righteousness has come as a gift from God.
3v25-30 Grace shows God’s righteousness and brings humility
3v21 This gospel upholds the law

4v1-12 Abraham proves righteousness is by faith
4v13-17 Abraham is the father of those of faith righteousness
4v18-25 It is faith in God’s promise that is counted as righteousness

5v1-2 Therefore we rejoice in the hope of glory
5v3-5 we rejoice in suffering
5v6-8 For Christ died for sinners, showing God’s love
5v9-11 So because of righteousness by faith we rejoice in God
5v12-14 Death reigned before the law
5v15-17 one trespass led to death, one free gift to righteousness
5v18-21 Therefore grace trumps sin and reigns through righteousness

6v1-5 Walk in newness of life
6v6-10 The old self is dead and we live with Christ for God
6v11-14 So present yourself to God as instruments of righteousness
6v15-18 Now you are slaves of righteousness
6v19-23 therefore willingly be slaves of righteousness that leads to eternal life
7v1-6 Because you are dead to the law, and alive to bear fruit for God
7v7-12 The law is righteous but sin uses it to kill us!
7v13-25 Sin still dwells in me, chaining my body to evil, though my mind desires what is right. Praise God for salvation in Christ!
8v1-4 There is no condemnation, for the law of the Spirit has freed you from the law of sin and death
8v5-8 In the flesh you cannot please God
8v9-13 But if Christ is in you, the body is dead and the Spirit is life
8v14-17 Because those led by the Spirit are sons and heirs!
8v18-24 The sufferings of now pale away compared to the hope of glory – the redemption of our bodies
8v24-27 Therefore we wait with patience and the Spirit intercedes for us
8v28-30 and God, even in our suffering, works for our good – to be made like Christ!
8v31-34 If God is for us, who can be against us?
8v35-39 Nothing can separate us from the love of God.

9v1-13 What about the Jews though?
9v14-18 God is not unjust to exclude some Jews
9v19-29 Who is saved is down to God’s choice and it is his right
9v30-33 Israel did not pursue righteousness by faith
10v1-13 Christ is the end of the law for righteousness, you must call on him to be saved
10v14-17 The Jews need the gospel preached to them
10v18-21 They have heard before but they turned away
11v1-10 But God has not rejected them – he continues to keep a remnant, his elect
11v11-22 The stumbling of the Jews opens the door to the Gentiles (which is designed to make the Jews jealous and bring them back)
11v23-32 As mercy spilled to the Gentiles through the Jews hardening, so that mercy will spill back to the Jews and thus all (elect) Israel will be saved.
11v33-36 GLORY TO GOD!

12v1-2 THEREFORE worship God!
12v3-8 By being humble in service in the church in a gospel stylee
12v9-18 Love well
12v19-21 Put yourself in God’s hands and overcome evil with good
13v1-6 Respect authorities
13v7-10 Love your neighbour
13v11-14 Put on Christ

14v1-6 Welcome the weaker brother
14v7-13 Don’t judge, live and die to the Lord
14v14-23 Pursue peace and upbuilding (do not destroy God’s church)
15v1-7 Please your neighbour to the glory of God
15v8-12 Just as Christ came to serve Jews and Gentiles
15v13-16 Joy, peace and hope to you, through the grace I have written
15v17-24 For the work of Christ please help me on my way to Spain
15v25-33 As other churches have helped Jerusalem, help me on to Spain by material and spiritual means

16v1-16 Welcome Phoebe and greeting my brothers and sisters.
16v17-20 Beware and be well