10 October 2012

What the Lord Jesus is to me...

By C H Spurgeon

His promises have been yea and amen.
 I do but speak the testimony of every believer in Christ, though I put it thus
 personally to make it the more forcible. I bear witness that never servant had such
 a Master as I have ; never brother had such a Kinsman as He has been to me;
 never spouse had such a Husband as Christ has been to my soul ; never sinner a better
 Saviour ; never soldier a better Captain ; never mourner a better Comforter than
 Christ hath been to my spirit. I want none beside Him. In life, He is my life ; and
 in death, He shall be the death of death ; in poverty, Christ is my riches ; in
 sickness, He makes my bed ; in darkness, He is my Star; and in brightness, He is
 my Sun. By faith I understand that the blessed Son of God redeemed my soul
 with His own heart's blood ; and by sweet experience I know that He raised me up
 from the pit of dark despair, and set my feet on the rock. He died for me. This
 is the root of every satisfaction I have. He put all my transgressions away. He
 cleansed me with His precious blood ; He covered me with His perfect righteousness
 ; He wrapped me up in His own virtues. He has promised to keep me, while
 I abide in this world, from its temptations and snares ; and when I depart from this
 world, He has already prepared for me a mansion in the Heaven of unfading bliss,
 and a crown of everlasting joy that shall never, never fade away.

Thanks Geoff for sharing this.