28 November 2010

Many more blessings

What to say about today? I could start with missing my alarm and waking up an hour and half late! Lol. Thankfully managed to get everything sorted and to church in time! We had a good number for communion despite the -4 temp outside.

Over the last few weeks we've regularly had 40 or so people on a Sunday morning. Today was no different. Church isn't about numbers - it's about the glory of God - but it seems to me as more people gather to praise him we are able to give him glory with a louder voice. It has been a great encouragement to see the church beginning to grow and more of the Lord's people making their home with us.

We also had Slavko and Alison and Mattay with us today. Alison grew up up the road from us with our friends at West Kilburn Baptist Church. She met Slavko while they were studying at Oak Hill Theological College and have since got married and had their son Mattay. Slavko grew up in Serbia, was converted during the war as Yugoslavia broke up, and now is taking his family home with him to share the love of Jesus. It was great to have them with us and for us to hear about their plans under God to serve him in Slavko's homeland.

Some of you may have seen my status on Friday that a friend of mine had put his faith in Christ. He and his family have been coming along to the church for a couple of months. Today I sat down with him and his wife and confirmed that not only has the Lord poured his grace out on him, but on his wife too!

There is more blessings than that today, but I will stop for now. Please pray for these two new Christians and that the Lord would prepare us as a church to welcome more people into the family of Jesus.

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