13 June 2010

Things to thank God for

I'm not going to write a huge long list here - just a couple of things that have been recent encouragements. As I noted before on our other blog (http://familyhawth.blogspot.com) we have 6 new members this year, one of whom we baptised. The upshot of this is that, for the first time, we have a number of people organised to help in different ways on a Sunday morning. We have a team of welcomers, a group of musicians, a Children's Church team, people to work the projector, people to lead the service, two others who can preach, and various people who sort out refreshments for after the service! It really is a very quick change around from 6 months ago. We are of course aware that as quickly as we have grown we can shrink again. That's the nature of people moving in and out of our part of London - but it does feel like the Lord is giving us some momentum.
Recently we have been joined by a Canadian couple as well. They are expecting a baby in July, though there are some health issues for mum. They would appreciate your prayers I am sure. They have begun coming to our midweek homegroup which has grown to 10-12 regulars for the moment. We made our midweek meeting into a homegroup at the start of the year, praying that it would grow and have to become 2 groups. It would seem already were are getting close to that point!

This week we have had more reasons to thank God. Last week at Rebekah's 2nd birthday party a family from the boys school came. I was chatting with mum and suggested (as I often do to people) that they come and pay us a visit on a Sunday. Well it was a great blessing that they came this week! Mum, Dad and the two girls. We really enjoyed having them with us, and they seemed to enjoy coming. Chatting with Dad afterwards he said he enjoyed the family atmosphere of the church, had appreciated the final hymn (In Christ Alone), and  that the sermon had really connected with him. They even mentioned that they appreciated there being something specifically for the children (who enjoyed Children's Church) and that they may start coming more regularly because we have something for the children. After 4 1/2 years of families not staying because there aren't enough children, this was a real turn up for the books!

There are other things I could write, but this will do for now. The Lord continues to be very gracious to us. Please praise God with us and continue to pray.

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