17 March 2011

Taste and see that the Lord is good

Here's a clip of John Piper, Tim Keller and Don Carson in conversation.

This is something we really need to get hold of – You can know honey is sweet without having tasted it, but if you have tasted it then you know it is sweet in a life transforming, “I want more of that,” kind of way.

It is quite likely that many of us would get 10/10 in a test on Justification by Faith alone and the Doctrine of Adoption. However my gut feeling is that we have forgotten what these things taste like. What needs to happen for all of us is that we “taste and see that the Lord is good,” not just see. We need not only to see grace, but to encourage each other to risk all on grace and begin to taste that it is really good. Only when we taste that it is really good (and that takes faith which moves in action based on God’s promises) do we begin to move forward in our faith again.

Praying that we would know this faith and taste grace.